Smoking And Your Baby Folding Display

ITEM: 79022


Exposure to tobacco smoke poses serious health risks, especially during pregnancy. Compel pregnant women to quit smoking to protect their health and the health of their baby. This folding display clearly outlines the hazards of smoking during and after pregnancy. Also includes information on the dangers of low birthweight, a common result of smoking during pregnancy. A great resource to highlight a damaging pregnancy hazard. 


Smoking during pregnancy can have serious health complications for both mothers and babies. This folding display highlights the potential negative health problems of smoking during pregnancy and urges pregnant women to quit. Discusses problems that can occur during pregnancy, including miscarriage and problems with the placenta, as well as the dangers of low birthweight. Also covers the increase in risk of sudden infant death syndrome for babies exposed to tobacco and urges the avoidance of e-cigarettes and vaping. 43½" x 22½" opened.