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Working With Teens

There’s no doubt about it: Working with teens can be incredibly challenging and even frustrating at times, but it also can be one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have. When you work with teens in the field of childbirth education, whether in childbirth, breastfeeding, or parenting classes, the instruction you provide can play a major role in the nurturing of healthy babies and the development of loving families.

Here at Childbirth Graphics, we have a full range of resources that are ideal to use for teen instruction, covering topics such as teen pregnancy prevention, pregnancy, labor and birth, breastfeeding, and early parenting. Read on for tips for working with teens and to see just a few of our childbirth education materials that are great for teen instruction.

Tips for Working With Teens

  • Treat teens with respect, and expect them to respect you, too. Extend basic courtesies by using “please” and “thank you.”

  • Let teens know in clear terms what your expectations are, and let them explain to you what their goals are. Be open to their suggestions and ready to adapt to meet their needs in the best way.

  • Remember that teens are neither children nor adults; they are transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Even teens who are becoming parents are still in the process of developing into mature, responsible adults. While they are confronting important questions about the present and the future, they also may be adapting their relationships with their own parents as they strive to be more independent.

  • Keep in mind that teens do not have the same experiences to draw upon as adults do. They may need guidance in developing organizational skills, for example. Explore with teens any problems or circumstances that they may not be able to foresee as well as soon as possible solutions.

  • Carefully listen to what the teens you are working with are saying and what their concerns are. Face whoever is speaking, be relaxed, and encourage the speaker to provide more information. Show interest in the speaker’s opinions, and provide thoughtful feedback.

  • Make activities fun and challenging as well as educational. Be enthusiastic, maintain a positive attitude, and share your sense of humor.

  • Show teens that you care with your dedication and commitment. Encourage them, let them know when they are doing a good job, and acknowledge their successes.

Remember: When you work with teens, it is important to build relationships with them. Take a genuine interest in their lives, and let them know you are there to help.

Childbirth Education Materials for Working With Teens

At Childbirth Graphics, we have childbirth education materials that are designed with teens in mind as well as a full range of materials that can be adapted for use with teen and adult audiences. Below are just a few of our engaging resources that are perfect for teaching childbirth education to teens.

With Child™ Simulator

A great resource for teen pregnancy prevention programs, our best-selling With Child™ Simulator helps non-pregnant wearers understand and experience the many physical challenges, discomforts, and inconveniences of being pregnant.

Wearing our With Child™ Simulator opens
teens’ eyes to the realities of being pregnant.

When teens wear the With Child™ Simulator, they have the opportunity to experience firsthand many of the physical discomforts of pregnancy, including a weight gain of up to 25 pounds; pelvic tilt; abdominal aches; shortness of breath; increased breast size; limited breathing; tiredness; abdominal distention; shift in posture causing waddling gait; lower back stress; pressure on the bladder, stomach, and lungs; decreased mobility; fetal movement; and many more.

The included teaching guide is filled with engaging activities, a scenario script, and thought-provoking discussion questions that get teens thinking about the realities of teen pregnancy. The With Child™ Simulator also includes our popular Timeline of Pregnancy Chart, which depicts parallel fetal and maternal growth, and 50 copies of our Comfort Measures in Pregnancy Booklet, which can explain the many common physical discomforts that can occur during pregnancy to teen participants. The simulator comes with a wheeled carrying case, making it perfect for health education on the go.

Prenatal Care Display Box

Our Prenatal Care Box Display is an ideal activity to use with teen groups to break the ice, encourage discussion, and educate about safety concerns and how to avoid them during pregnancy.

Our Prenatal Care Box Display is a great teaching tool to
spark discussion about substances to avoid during pregnancy.

The Prenatal Care Box Display contains 13 objects that represent things pregnant teens and women should avoid, limit, or be cautious about because of safety concerns. Among the included facsimile objects are a beer bottle (alcohol), cigarette (tobacco), energy drink (caffeine), cockroach (pesticides), medicine bottle (prescription and over-the-counter medications and supplements), fish and hot dog (foods to limit and avoid and foodborne illness), a marijuana joint (marijuana and illegal drugs), and more. The objects are perfect for passing around during discussion of each safety concern. The display comes with detailed presentation notes, providing facilitators with information for discussing each of the safety concerns that the objects raise.

Shaken Baby Demonstration Model

Whether teens are taking certification courses for babysitting and childcare or they are learning parenting skills, our Shaken Baby Demonstration Model is an important tool to help deter the tragic consequences of shaken baby syndrome (SBS), which include permanent brain damage, blindness, and death.

Teach teens about the tragic consequences of infant abusive
head trauma with our Shaken Baby Demonstration Model.

Through the model’s see-through head, viewers can watch as the brain slams violently inside the skull as the model is shaken, simulating what happens when a real infant or young child is handled inappropriately. Allowing teens to use the model is a powerful way to reinforce the message that you should absolutely never, ever shake a baby. Using the model with teens is a great way to discuss the reasons why babies cry, how to comfort a crying a baby, and what to do when a baby won’t stop crying.

More Educational Materials for Child Safety

Childbirth Graphics specializes in educational materials and models that make teaching about childbirth engaging, easy-to-understand, and fun. Discover more of our resources that cover topics from preconception planning to early parenting by browsing our products by childbirth education subject.

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