Breastmilk Composition: What's In A Day? Display

ITEM: 78978


Use this display to show mothers their amazing abilities to nourish their babies. Features one model of colostrum and two models of mature milk (foremilk and hindmilk) to demonstrate how much milk a baby gets while breastfeeding in an average day. Accompanying, two-sided tent card explains the key nutritional role of each component of breastmilk for a growing baby. Comes with carrying case.


How much breastmilk does a growing baby receive in an average day? Models of colostrum, foremilk, and hindmilk provide instructive visuals to help new parents understand their growing baby’s nutritional needs. The accompanying two-sided tent card covers the unmatched nutritional value and health benefits of colostrum and mature milk (including foremilk and hindmilk). Explaining that foremilk and hindmilk refer to the differences in character at the beginning and end of a breastfeeding session, the card explains that breastmilk can uniquely adapt to a baby’s changing needs. Comes with carrying case. Tent card measures 8½" x 6".